Comments On Fashion/Mens Fashion talk

Comments on men’s fashion are increasing:
More and more men’s fashion is being talked about. People are recognizing that there are things to talk about. Like more colors in men’s clothing, more readily available style choices and variety in designs silhouette. Here at A Man Dressed we’ll see some of what people are saying. The words are out the future of men’s fashion is looking colorful and brighter. In my next post, I’ll be talking about men’s accessories for men.
Josh from England says; “ That dude in the picture looks badass as hell and he looks like al Pacino’s brother. I agree with your point about using colour while dressing. Not many of us guys like to do it but it definitely makes you stand out in the world. I like the idea of natural fibers as well I have a few silky pieces of clothing and they feel amazingggg!! “
Jessica says; ” I think it is very interesting that we never give much thought into men’s fashion. I know they have designer labels for things like suits and ties, but since so many men just wear whatever they pick up at Walmart I could see why trying to get a fashion trend going in men’s wear is hard. It is good to see that someone is trying.”
Baxter says: ” This was a great post. I completely agree with the whole discussion about how men are restricted from expressing themselves by having to be forced to wear suits and ties when working in industries such as the service industry. This post was a refreshing when I compare it to the vast majority of posts that I come across when browsing online, and I look forward to consuming more content like this.”
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