Men’s Fashion – On the Red Carpet;

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A Man Dressed 1

More and more the question is asked of men, on the red carpet. ” what are you wearing, or who are you wearing? Unlike women, when asked men are finding that question a little awkward, I do think because it bears a flash of the ridiculous since men are wearing the same thing. I mean what is he to say? ” I am wearing the same suit as I did a few years ago and the last three years before that, but then kind of you to notice. Maybe next year I wear it again.”

When asked “What is missing from man’s fashion? A typical answer would a sense of fun. The classic dark suit for every occasion is way overworked. So say some casual observers. I would like to suggest that men invest in a well-made manche or skort suit designed for such an occasion like the Red Carpet.

Thak a look at this video with Josh Gorban on the Red Carpet when asked about his clothes

I hope this leaves you with something to consider. Please leave a comment, let me know what you think and feel about men’s fashion. Thank you for visiting. Come again 


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