Men’s Fashion-Setting Trends

Setting trends in men’s fashion.
Since 2009 I have maintained the future of men’s fashion choices will include without a doubt, what I refer to as legless garments; known here as the Manche. You will hear ii refer to as skort, skirt, kilt or kilt like. For the moment whatever its called, it’s going to become a viable part of men’s wardrobe. More and more we will design Manche garments for men, more and more they will become widely accepted and available. I have spoken with many men, who swears they would never wear one, but I am sure; very sure they will, and not in the too distant future. I remenber when a so called real man of so-called serious substance would never be caught dead in earnings. Then they were wearing only one and now its becoming standard to see men from all age group sporting earrings in both lobes. and boy dont they look great?!
It is from my point of view, very pleasing to see men’s expression of self within the scope of fashion and fashion trends morphing into new and delightful pathways. At this point I can gleafully predict a very exiting future for men and their fashion options.