A man less dressed.

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Fewer well dressed men

It is an understated truth that men are fundamentally less dressed now, than at any other time in the history of men’s fashion, and yet men are spending more on fashion than ever. What, I ponder, could be the driving force behind this phenomenon? We could speculate that its because we now live in a real time world connection,  where cultures are rapidly  merging, gender equality, expanding and the winds of men’s fashion are blowing fearlessly, while everyone scramble to find sensible new  modes of expression.

Self expression
A man dressed new

A few books have been written on the issues of men’s fashion, many seems to be a guide for men on how to wear a suit, a tie and choosing a shirts, and always returning to the classic jacket, trousers, combination. Men are reading, taking notice and responding, in an effort to flow with the tide  of slow change and fulfilling  of his expression of personal style.

So,  new pathways will emerge, many will look less than his fashionable best, while the way is paved by all he who strive to be a well dressed mam. In his  popular book; Dressing the man: Mastering the art of permanent fashion. Alan Flusser insist that the real challenge in dressing well lies in acquiring the correct instructions and understanding that the man physical traits is the road map to his individual style. I would add to that sentiment,  and say that a man’s sensibility and personal experiences, plays a great  part in the authenticity of his tasteful  expression of style. Indeed I agree with Bernard Roetzel who said in his book Gentlemen: A timeless guide to fashion “Style is not something we do for ourselves, but rather the pursuit of our own personal satisfaction”

Thank you for reading my words, tell me what you think. please leave a comment below.

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