
Wearing A KILT Should Be For Every Man/Manche-Kilt

Every Man Should Wear A Kilt 

The kilt or legless garment for men has been in existence since the  16th – 17th century. They were not called kilts until the Scots,  made then a tradition named them so. Many other ethnicities wear this garment and its called by different names, but most popular it the Kilt.

There is an enormous silent cry for this form ( Manche ) to be more accepted and accessible for men in the mainstream. For now, it is a very niche garment, and only very few places manufacture this silhouette for men. In America, it’s called the Utilakilt ( Seen here. )  made by the said company. While men often wear these utility kilts for work, they most often are worn on formal ethnic occasion.Dressed outside of the traditional arena, men wearing them are at times ridiculed it takes a strong man to be a man in a kilt, or (as we A Man Dressed calls it) a manche.

Every man should wear a kilt or manche and should have at least one in his position.  Men who own wear this garment regularly swears by the comfort that they enjoy. They claim that once you dawn one, you’ll surely want another. Also, many women find men very sexy and attractive when he is wearing a manche/kilt. I am one of those women. In my opinion, we see this grow to become a mainstream choice for men.         [ Cant wait ]

There are many studies which conclude that men who wear kilt-like garments are healthier and more fertile with a superior quality of sperm compear to other men. It is a known argument that Scotish men who wear kilts are far more fruitful. As for fertility and men’s health, this is a topic for another platform but is definitely worth mentioning here.

So in summary, let’s count the why’s, that men should wear the Manche/Kilt

  •  Confort.
  • Health
  • Women are very attracted to a man wearing a Manche/Kilt
  • Gives men more choices in his fashion style.

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Men in skirts the debate is on

Men in skirts debate

Just dont call it skirts..

The man in skirt debate is really heating up. The more research I do and the deeper I look, the more transparent it becomes that more men than we generally think,  have a sincere desire to wear skirt, which as you know here at a man dressed, we call it the Manche More men, worldwide  are standing up for the right to wear this garment, outside of the ethnic context. Women when presented with the question; Should men wear skirts? ( Manche ) Many agree they should, reasons being, they are sexy, comfortable, added choice to wardrobe.

For more than two decades, designers have attempt to introduce this  kilt-like style to the men’s ensemble, only to be met with whimsey ridicule.  Now in 2015 you can observe a blossoming of change and languid acceptance. It seems, however that men have to do period protests in trying to get the point across, that they are ready, and want to wear manche ( skirts ). The poles have spoken, over 90% of men say they want, or don’t mind  wearing skirts ( the  manche ) . After all where did this arbitrary rule come from that men must only wear pants?

A Man In Business Manche.
A Man In Business Manche.

There today many niche markets which produce these garments, true you wont find them in your regular department stores, not yet, but very soon. If you have ever considered taking part in this movement, or just want to feel free to wear clothes like this, or even wonder where to find such items,  you can start here, alternately you can have a talk with a designer  ( such as myself ) or your local taylor.  I maintain as part of creating a style that is all your own, while at the same time getting in touch, with self and expression, every guy must consider this fundamental genre of dress. If you want comfort, while looking this is the way to go.

Thank you for visiting. Please take four seconds to tell us what you think,  or ask some question, by leaving a comment below.

Future of men’s fashion – Not so terrifying.

A Man Dressed 1

Men’s fashion future, not terrifying, just changing.

While it may seem, by looking at designers collections of men’s fashion  at London fashion week, that the future of men’s fashion is terrorizing our visual aesthetics or simply terrifying, to imagine the future of men’s fashion along these lines. I can say with tremendous certainty that we are and will step into MFF  ( men’s fashion future ) with style and grace.

No future for men fashion in this scene
No future for men fashion in this scene

There is no doubt that men’s fashion as we know it is on a drastic path of change, and a change we all eagerly anticipate, but wait, what we are now seeing is just a product of a paradigm shift, which is inevitable. So be not alarmed, the reality is, change is here, but seriously so, taste and style is or will not be lost, not even on the fashion foolish.


manche_ for_ comfort

A man in skirt?

                                                            Men in skirts? No..

                                                                        Its a Manche

Street_Manche                                                       This man is not in a skirt; its a Manch


A man should never wear a skirt.  I do believe however that a man should wear any garments liken to that silhouette, but should never be called a skirt if dawned by the man.  If  man prefer not to wear pants, then I believe he should reserve the universal right to wear that which is not pants, but rather garments such as, or similar to a Manche, a  kilt, (Scotland) Kanga, (Africa) Munda (Kerala) Parero (Tahiti) Lava Lava  (Polynesia) While all these garments are of a ethnic distinction, I believe we should adopted for the western man,  a profile of such attire, that is universal and should have a name indicative of men. I call this the MANCHE  


Men are clamering to reach the next level of fashion, part of that experience is to wear what they are now calling skirt. If indeed men are wearing skirts its because, we are not making that which is for man; for the moment  the most commonly acceptable garment of the genre are kilts. Every man should have one, but it must be  called Manche, when not specific to ethnicity.