Men in skirts debate
Just dont call it skirts..
The man in skirt debate is really heating up. The more research I do and the deeper I look, the more transparent it becomes that more men than we generally think, have a sincere desire to wear skirt, which as you know here at a man dressed, we call it the Manche More men, worldwide are standing up for the right to wear this garment, outside of the ethnic context. Women when presented with the question; Should men wear skirts? ( Manche ) Many agree they should, reasons being, they are sexy, comfortable, added choice to wardrobe.
For more than two decades, designers have attempt to introduce this kilt-like style to the men’s ensemble, only to be met with whimsey ridicule. Now in 2015 you can observe a blossoming of change and languid acceptance. It seems, however that men have to do period protests in trying to get the point across, that they are ready, and want to wear manche ( skirts ). The poles have spoken, over 90% of men say they want, or don’t mind wearing skirts ( the manche ) . After all where did this arbitrary rule come from that men must only wear pants?

There today many niche markets which produce these garments, true you wont find them in your regular department stores, not yet, but very soon. If you have ever considered taking part in this movement, or just want to feel free to wear clothes like this, or even wonder where to find such items, you can start here, alternately you can have a talk with a designer ( such as myself ) or your local taylor. I maintain as part of creating a style that is all your own, while at the same time getting in touch, with self and expression, every guy must consider this fundamental genre of dress. If you want comfort, while looking this is the way to go.
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Hello P.J..
Thank you for your comment. Part of why I call this garment the Manche, is to give it a name outside that of the ethnicity of the kilt and therefore open the way for designing clothing for men, which will lend more options for comfort as well as practical good looks. Soon you’ll see more of thi. Iam now now moving to prep for production of the manche that men like you will love. Stand by and visit often.
I am a 64-year-old Irish male. I have worn kilts; however, kilts are not always practical clothing. I much prefer women’s skirts. They are cheaper, washable, and a nylon mix is often times much warmer than a kilt. Men need to become more supportive of other men in this sphere. As I see it, the problem is not just about wearing a skirt or trousers, it has a lit to do with what men perceive to be “NORMAL behaviour. For some reason, there exists a huge insecurity in the macho man. Men love to put other men down — I live for me, NOT, to adhere to stupefying male-to-male peer-pressure. !
For sure we will be working on this.
Hi. Learsi.
Thank you for your comment these are points well taken. I shall be writing on this in my next blog.
I do think this view is one that should be spoken of more frequently.
Your insight is well valued. do visit again.
From Brian men back to vestrise skirts for health, respect, and comfort.
Part of the English (genitals) is really mistreated, and compressed with the pants.
If a much more comfortable skirt would be used, practical, and decent.
One way to adapt is to use the gown or bathrobe; or use a good long shirt, knee length. It’s very comfortable
Traditionally men have always had dressed in skirts, only 300 years ago that forced them to wear pants.
The pants are the least suitable garment for a man; the boxer shorts, serves as the splint on his genitals, (promoting malfunction, and disabilities), the center seam of the pants abused, bruised and uncomfortable all the time the genitals; strap or belt acts as a tourniquet, and forces the heart to pump blood more effort (to overcome the contraction that makes the tourniquet), and poor blood supply affects: the digestive system, urinary system, the apparatus reproductive. In addition to the use of pants man has finished peeing standing which is totally unnatural. Skirts and dresses with skirts for men are supreme-mind HEALTHY, convenient and comfortable. The pants, the tight underpants, the center seam of the pants, and belt or belt, are promoting modern diseases of men: impotence, infertility, prostate problems and possibly cancer of the testicle.
No part of the male body are abused more than the genitals.
For better health and comfort wear skirts or dresses skirt
To this sentiment I well approve. Thank you for your comment. Looking forward to much more.
Hi Marc, you would be surprise how many men around the world that are wearing this garment, in fact I think there is a movement going on, more men are speaking out, and expressing their desire to wear skirt, but as you may know, I advocate it as The Manche. Get one wear it in the fullness of your own self. See some of the ways that men are wearing the Manche
Yes, I’m one of those men that likes to wear skirts. But there need to be more before I dare to really wear them in public…