Men more engaged in fashion

       A Man Dressed 1

Fashion-savvy men

As more words begin to shed, and observations summarised, the men’s wear industry has gained tremendous momentum over the last two years and has continued steadily. 2015  has seen some very rapid changes across the entire men’s fashion spectrum. From street wear to the tailored suit. Athletic designs are transforming, or morphing into street/casual dress.  The idea of the suit is taking on a new meaning. Several levels of refashioning are taking place, now that men seem to have become more verbal and significantly more savvy in their dressing styles and liberally showing more desire to be expressive.

Todays Man1 (2)


These changes in the men fashion sphere are setting off new branches  of men’s clothing language. Soon we’ll see spectacular creations from designers of men’ s garments. Retailers and brand names are now fixing sights on what will be a very transformative era in men’s mode. Now the day approach when men no longer have to sit disinterested, while the woman with whom he is shopping. Has the gamut of exciting things and trends to choose from.  Yes, I do long to see the expansiveness of men’s fashion that is about to alter the industry. Men are no longer relegated to the same ideology, nor have to search too far or deep, neither has he to spend beyond what is necessary, to sync with his latent sense of style. It will no longer be so difficult for the generous gift giving woman to find the perfect gift for the man in her life: ( well there is always the boat, beautiful car or the safari trip to Africa, but really we are talking here about fashion.) So for those of you who have thought about it and secretly hoped for change,  the time has come. Those of you that has given no thoughts to this. You are now thinking. You are among the savvy man of fashion.

Manche man 2016 (2)


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Mens Fashion Trend in Skirts

A Man Dressed 1The trend in men wearing skirts is here and growing

 The talk has been going on now for some time; now the talks are moving to the actual, by mid-2016 you will be seeing more men wearing the Manche (man skirt ), and more inventory will be found in stores and, needless to say, an Amazon. Here at  We strongly support and are for men adding this silhouette to their fashion fusion. More men than we can imagine is all for this future trend in menswear, the word while it has and are been spoken, has not yet reached the big wave, but let me assure you soon the sound will be unmistakeable.


Many men at this point have said they would not wear a Manche, yet I have observed lascivious expression on the faces of women and the embolus gaze of men as they watched a fashion smart man gliding by in delighted comfort. Ho yes, did we not mention the comfort factor? One reason I believe why men are so poorly dressed lately, as they clad themselves in oversized sweats, shorts, gym clothes, it’s shirts and even suits, is that they are seeking comfort. The very unattractive boxer is a testament. Thank heavens they are undergarments.


I am calling every man to consider a new or different possibility in the design of your clothing. We are heading into a new future, with ways of thinking and doing things, such as we have never conceived, we will all be wearing garments made from things we can’t imagine now. Men wearing skirts, kilts or Manche is only a small beginning.

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The Future Of Men’s Fashion

A Man Dressed 1

The future of men’s fashion is becoming big business.

The discussion around men’ s fashion is now resonating strongly, not only within the fashion industry but inside the enterprise arena. The business of, women’ s fashion has been a thriving financial universe for more than a century while men’s fashion remains a habit of general practicality, wherein lies the edict of our discussions. In other words gone are the days when men’s attire are behest by the hierarchy of perceived elegance and codes of conduct.  The future of man’s fashion will articulate a more creative and individualistic identity, where the behavioral norm is no longer predicates on the classic aristocracy of men’s attire. Consistently a deeper look into the interpretation of this unfolding trend is now taken place, more business, marketing tools, magazines, designers, and everyone in the business of fashion and beyond are acting, talking, developing within the scope of this new and forward paradigm.  It is a fact that most recently men are now spending more money on shoes than women; more men are taking to online social medias for new trends, ideas and how to. Online shopping for men’s  apparel and accessories are at an all-time high, so there should be no wonder why large companies are now having some discussions, and at this point, if they are not, they should. It’s quite evident that that the debates surrounding men’s fashion in all aspects of dialog, in particular, as it relates to this article and all of this kind, is in the Genesis, and we will experience so much yet to come.  The colloquy continues.

sketch Man

Thank you for stopping by, I hope these words have  inspired you and have  given you new thoughts on men’ s fashion. Please share your thoughts with us, leave a comment below and come back again.

The Men Skirt – In Men’s Fashion- is that the name?

A Man Dressed 1

The Man Skirt.

The man skirt is becoming a huge topic in the world of men’s fashion,  lately as more people are talking and taking notice of men’s wear, particularly in light of the fact, that society,  in general, is riding on the wings of some significant changes. Changes that are going on at all levels of the fashion industry. Apart from the practical, clothing is now seen and treated as an art form and as a science. In a matter of speaking, this has been so for hundreds of years; however, today the tone is different, changes are faster, bigger, and vastly more dynamic.  New technologies are now introduced into fashion the concepts. 3D printing, for example, and fabrics made from new forms of organic material, smart materials, such as spray on, natural or synthetic fibers and so much more. In the midst of all these changes and movements,  all over the globe now,  men are asking this question,  “Why can’t we wear skirts,  or the Manche, who said we must always wear just pants”?

Man wearing manche
Man wearing Manche

The name skirt comes from the word skyrta, which is old English; Skirt, translated from the Germanic root, means the shirt,  a skirt was once a long shirt, worn solely by men. It is not clear when the term skirt became distinctively, associated with women and so disassociated with men. Today men around the world, though in relatively small numbers, rapidly increasing, are vying to wear this garment openly, without it being associated to the kilt, or any ethnic attire, or without being depicted as strange, frivolous, or any such adjectives. But since the term skirt is now so deeply identified with womanness, can men wear it while calling it a skirt and be taken seriously? If we named it the Man Skirt, will that make it more favorable to men acceptability of that garment?  Some men argue that it should remain skirt. Even if men are wearing it;  this in protest to the fact that they are not allowed to wear freely skirt though they want to. Others say it should be called a man skirt, some still say, if the word skirt is involved, they would be less likely to wear one, but would consider it. Only if the name wasn’t associated, in any way with the woman garment. These men are more liable to wear a kilt, but only remotely, because of the traditional association.

In our humble opinion, we think the name Manche, should be given to the garment worn by men. Making such distinction is, quite necessary, to move the discussion forward,  there is no doubt, however, that there is an active movement toward men wanting to wear freely garments other than the pants, and do so in the perfect favor of public opinions. Present day attitude dictates that, this is the future of men’s fashion,  and as more men choose to liberate themselves from the rigid confines of acceptable male dress, the Manche or man skirt will become a very impressive part of the man’s wardrobe.

Thank you for visiting  A Man Dressed. We hope these words have inspired you, we would love to hear your opinion, so please leave a comment below. 


Men’s Fashion Trend is there a movement?

Men’s fashion trend the movement

So to the question, is there a movement, in the men’s fashion industry? Ho yes, there is though relatively speaking it is within its grassroots infancy.  Over the last twenty years, men’s fashion has taken some very strange twists. There was the jogging suit craze, then the very oversized gear, with the butt sag,  falling off pants and jeans.  Gladly, we can say, most of society was safe from felling victim to this fashion beast. It did sneak its tasteless tentacles into the  mainstream and clothing world of men’s fashion. Men’s jeans across the board were made for a much larger fits, everywhere you looked there, in some form or another, was the sag.; Even suits were being made larger, roomier they would say, for more comfort,  but here I can say this was not comforting to the eye at all. Everyone knew it, so some leading thinking designers kicked the baggy out and only went to the other extreme, now you have the very skinny pants, comfort was compromised sorely compromised. I must say, however, at times the eyes got some reprieve, but from the point of comfortable looking it hurt.


suit-fitting baggy to fitted
suit-fitting baggy to fitted




Saggy and tight
Saggy and tight


The Tight and skinny
The Tight and skinny
This was a fashion trend
This was a fashion trend






And yes this was, and, unfortunately, is in some places still, fashion. Out landish you say, well this loom influenced a great deal of normal ( so to speak ) men’s fashion, ( may it die a never to return natural death ) The guy in the baggy suit on the upper left has this trend to thank for that. Thank gracious, trends gives us a chance yo suture our fashion foolish ways.

It is true that a men’s  fashion movement is afoot, the picture you see above, is just, the voices of men, crying out for something different. So now you can observe designers trying to step into a new dimension, where men’s fashion is concerned, as men rapidly move away from the traditional suit and: as the sole way of being well dressed. You can readily observe that more men are opting out of wearing a tie, even in some formal and or business situation. Indeed, there is an anti-tie movement,  and when you think about its quite necessary.  While I do believe the tie, like the scarf for women, should hold a place in the dress code, I think it should not be, all in all, in so saying the tie should be interesting, artistic, creative and distinctive, allowing the man to use it a tool of self-expression.

Another noticeable movement in men’s fashion trend is the outspoken desire of many men to wear skirts. I, as you may know, a man dressed is all about this changing trend, and we embrace it wholly. Here however we call it The Manche, and this is where you will see in the very near future some major change in the world of men’s fashion.     Forwaed_Manche

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Men in skirts the debate is on

Men in skirts debate

Just dont call it skirts..

The man in skirt debate is really heating up. The more research I do and the deeper I look, the more transparent it becomes that more men than we generally think,  have a sincere desire to wear skirt, which as you know here at a man dressed, we call it the Manche More men, worldwide  are standing up for the right to wear this garment, outside of the ethnic context. Women when presented with the question; Should men wear skirts? ( Manche ) Many agree they should, reasons being, they are sexy, comfortable, added choice to wardrobe.

For more than two decades, designers have attempt to introduce this  kilt-like style to the men’s ensemble, only to be met with whimsey ridicule.  Now in 2015 you can observe a blossoming of change and languid acceptance. It seems, however that men have to do period protests in trying to get the point across, that they are ready, and want to wear manche ( skirts ). The poles have spoken, over 90% of men say they want, or don’t mind  wearing skirts ( the  manche ) . After all where did this arbitrary rule come from that men must only wear pants?

A Man In Business Manche.
A Man In Business Manche.

There today many niche markets which produce these garments, true you wont find them in your regular department stores, not yet, but very soon. If you have ever considered taking part in this movement, or just want to feel free to wear clothes like this, or even wonder where to find such items,  you can start here, alternately you can have a talk with a designer  ( such as myself ) or your local taylor.  I maintain as part of creating a style that is all your own, while at the same time getting in touch, with self and expression, every guy must consider this fundamental genre of dress. If you want comfort, while looking this is the way to go.

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Things about men’s fashion to think about..

If you think about it

Most people just don’t think about men’s fashion, or style, or aesthetic, or in general how he looks. Perhaps its because our culture, where men are concerned is for the most part steeped in business and as we know the business look is the suit s what its all about, from time gone by at present and I hope not necessarily time to come. So think about it, think about you, think about how you want to be perceived, by others in all the areas of your life and by that woman. If however you are reading this page you are already thinking about it, and if you have just stumbled here upon, then you are now indeed thinking about it. Now permit me to mention a few things to think about men’s fashion.

Think about how you are feeling, when dressing, then how you want to feel, as clothes can give you the something extra, or truly take it away.

Think about the quality of your clothing, how they are hanging in your wardrobe, are they hung on plastic, wire or are they hung on wooden hanger? Men’s cloth should be hung on wooden hangers.

Think about how your garments feel to the touch and on your skin while you are wearing them, do they give you a sense of luxury and  unmistakable quality? They should if your garments are made with natural fibers, such as cotton, wool silk, linen, and other natural blends. The difference between socks, or ties of silk and those of viscose and polyester is remarkable.  A proper men’s clothing should always be made with natural fabrics.

Add debt and excitement ti the mix
Add debt and excitement to the mix

Think about adding more color, texture and versatility to your aesthetics. How this could be done is by thinking outside the mundane, seek out styles that are different, tastefully add an unexpected splash of color and you don’t have to be gay to have this experience. There is nothing more appealing and sexy than a man, that reaches beyond the mediocre, to bring out true expression. of self

Color is a good thing
Color is a good thing


Think about accessories; use these for practicality. invest in one or  more  manbag , be sure that its made of genuine leather, preferably the finest. invest in at least three good watches,  and while you are at it, make them unique, remember they are as jewels,  and note; the word investment. like the dream car. Beautiful and interesting belts, shoes, wallets and hats, seek items that are unique and meaningful, in this way your investments are worthwhile.

Think about positive attention By engaging in a few of these thoughtful ideas, you will be pleasantly surprise at the positive attention you will receive from your peers, women and even your boss.

Think about asking a woman what she thinks and how she likes your style, be sure to ask a woman that actually thinks about men’s fashion. You would be very surprised to know a large majority of women don’t really think about men’s cloths, usually because they generally think you don’t  care, or because, they figure there is not much to think about, as they usually perceive men’s clothes to be the same thing just in slightly different colors.  However when they see you in something different they are in love.

Think about checking out a book or two. Dressing the man you love and or Alan Flusser Dressing the man. While these are books that will enlighten anyone that has thought about men’s fashion, know that they are speak much of the dress styles that are more classic, yet there is much to learn.

I hope you have fond some interest in this post and that you are left with a few things to think about men’s fashion..

Please tell us what you think, and leave your comment below.

Thank you for stopping by.

Men’s fashion when you think about it.

When you think about it

Men’s fashion when you think about it, there is a lot to be said. A lot to be said about the fact that a huge portion of the population just don’t think about men’s fashion. From this lack of thinking about it, comes a series of thoughts in the form of questions, questions like why, and from that, more whys still.

Why do we focus  so significantly on women fashion, and  nearly not  at all on men’s,  this to the point where men are opting for downing  women’s clothes,  many of them so do in secret, and then  feel shame for having to do so covertly;             Example:



When you think about it, what if we had a world where, like for the woman the man had endless opportunity to  be as colorful and creative, stylish, chic, modish and dapper, without being considered anything, but just a mam well dressed. I’am of the enlightened belief that if men’s fashion were so gared or designed, some of the unanswerable questions, would never have to have been asked.

A stylish man doesn’t have to be gay.

Men afraid to express their sense of style if he’s not gay

After several conversations with several men recently, I learned that many men have a desire to dress stylishly, expressing himself with clothes, but stay more incline to stick with the basic, for fear of been seen as gay. When you think about it, the question here should be ( if you are not gay ) why should you not have some of the fun? It is true that as far back as we could look, or remember gay men took the n the expression of self through fashion, owned it and made it the rule. as many of know that’s where the word gay comes from. The simple fact is,  all men should be given all it takes and encouraged, to dress as he will, to express himself to his own delight, and be labeled only well dressed.


Express your man self.
Express your man self.